
LocoRoco Game New UMD Demo (EUR Ver) RELEASED ?

PlayStation Portable PSF File Data

Filename : X:\UCET-00357.Loco_Roco\PSP_GAME\PARAM.SFO

Start of section labels : b4
Start of section data : 120
Unknown header data : 01 01 00 00
Number of Sections : 10

Sect Loff Doff Dsiz Duse Dtyp Unkn Label Value
0 0000 0000 0004 0004 04 0004 BOOTABLE = 1
1 0009 0004 0004 0003 02 0004 CATEGORY = UG
2 0012 0008 0010 000a 02 0004 DISC_ID = UCET00357
3 001a 0018 0004 0004 04 0004 DISC_NUMBER = 1
4 0026 001c 0004 0004 04 0004 DISC_TOTAL = 1
5 0031 0020 0008 0005 02 0004 DISC_VERSION = 1.00
6 003e 0028 0004 0004 04 0004 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 2
7 004d 002c 0008 0005 02 0004 PSP_SYSTEM_VER = 2.60
8 005c 0034 0004 0004 04 0004 REGION = 32768
9 0063 0038 0080 0009 02 0004 TITLE = LocoRoco
Loff = Offset of the Label Field within the Label section.
Doff = Offset of the Data Field within the Data section.
Dsiz = Size of the Data Field within the Data section.
Duse = Amount of the Data Field that currently contains data.
Dtyp = The Data Field type. 0 = Binary (?), 4 = Integer Word, 2 = String.
Unkn = Unknown field usage.


At 6/21/2006 02:38:00 am, Blogger 0okm said...

thank you ^o^
but i'm not talking about UCED00365
i think UCET00357 is a beta test ver :P


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