PCB Ver. : TA-086
CPU Core : CXD2967GG
Media Engine : CXD5026-203GG
MCP : K5E5658ACM-D060 1.8V/1.8V
Test report :
Factory FW2.81 (BoxCode L)
HardDown to FW1.50
and run official FW2.71 UpDate EBOOT.PBP
HardDown = Hardware method DownGrade
SoftDown = Software method DownGrade
Hardware Downgrade?
... As I know, there is not possible way to overwritte the NAND flash... maybe by replacing it? but wouldnt it be the same to have a 1.5 psp than take out the NAND of a 1.5 PSP and put it into this Ta-086?
or... PSP Modchip?
>> Mirage
03/25/2006 Read PSP NAND Flash DATA to PC
04/23/2006 PSP Multi Firmware Mod
ok guys like seriously wats the use of downgradeing when u need eloader to play home brew games an the loader will only work on firmware 2.0 an higher i think
>> Moca
same as TA-082
TA-082 also can HardDown to FW1.50
>> Moca
NO "compatability issues" on TA-082 OR TA-086
IF they get "compatability issues" is because they use wrong method to HardDown
>> TunerTurner
sorry i don't know
plz 0okm i have a psp v2.71 whith the board ic1003. i like to know if is possible to downgrade it to play isos.thanks an plz give me a ansew toon5535@hotmail.com
Well, i have a 1000k IC1003 (TA-082 i think) with 1.5, is it possible to flash with 2.71SEC a far as you know ?
thank's. Pyjnet.
is there potential problems to use devhook 0.51 ?
Check out the following link http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/401672 This apparently allows you to upgrade your TA-082 to 2.71 firmware and then load ISOs from the MS. You can also emulate 1.5 for homebrew. Let me know if it works for you.
Moca said...
So, this is able to run 1.5 firmware flashed to the NAND via a non eboot method.
Am I correct. Is it possible to run 2.71SE on a TA-086 psp.
This is true???
and i wonder if the new pink psp i buy to my girlfriend's Xmas gift is a ta82 or ta86...
i'll appreciate if anyone can tell me more about this.
the psp comes with 2.81 fw and in the box with "PSP-1004 PK". it's the "P!nk Limited Edition".
Thanks in advance
and Merry Xmas!
sorry for the long post too...
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