
Do you think you can do it :)

wrapping Nand bus for external Firmware
in the NET
i just know 4 person was done ^o^

1st is nem

2nd is 0okm

3rd is ryoko_no_usagi

4th is BOOSTER or his friend

i hope more people can have Multi Firmware ^o^


At 6/21/2006 08:52:00 pm, Blogger Gabe said...

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At 6/21/2006 10:10:00 pm, Blogger Gabe said...

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At 6/21/2006 10:32:00 pm, Blogger Gabe said...

Ok, I found a great link detailing which traces go to which pins courtesy of unbricker.com
unbricker tech page

Using the reference letters from the Undiluted Platinum mod-chip instructions, here is the correspondence to each.

Undiluted platinum mod chip instructions pic

Pin name: UP reference letter

IO7: A
IO5: B
IO4: C
IO6: D
IO3: E
IO0: F
IO1: G
IO2: H

CE: J/P (the one you cut)
W/En: K
R/B: L

At 6/21/2006 10:50:00 pm, Blogger Gabe said...

Looking at the pins that are wired up, is it possible for the mod chip to actually re-write the data to the flash rom? I think if the PSP is bricked, then you must always use the flash rom from the mod chip. Does that make sense?

At 6/22/2006 02:46:00 am, Blogger 0okm said...

i think it can
"UP" USB -> "UP" Flash
other i don't know :P

At 6/27/2006 08:54:00 am, Blogger 0okm said...

1. i haven't U.P.
so i don't know what format they use on FW backup

2. i can't send FW image to anyone
because it is illegal !!

At 7/05/2006 09:10:00 am, Blogger 0okm said...

it's so funny
i don't think PSP will work without RAM :P


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