Hen C AutoExec mod v0.32 by 0okm
Thanks Fanjita's suggest
At 10/14/2006 12:24:24 PM, Fanjita said...
It's worth installing the fonthack before doing anything that installs a TIFF hack wallpaper.
Then you can easily unbrick by removing your memory stick - I've had problems with tiff hack wallpapers failing to load, and without fonthack (or UP) then you can have an unrecoverable brick.
At 10/14/2006 04:35:38 PM, Moca said...
0okm. It will allow an unbrick if it reads the font from the memory stick. If that data is corrupted, or the meory stick is removed, then you will get a blue screen that tells you to restore default settings. It will not load the wallpaper allowing you to recover from a semi-brick.
Hen C AutoExec mod v0.32 by 0okm
Download-Link : AutoExec_Hen_C_Installer_v0.32.zip
Hen_C no "flash red" Patch v0.01 by 0okm
Download-Link : Hen_C_no_flash_red_Patch_v0.01.zip
DH271F for Hen C AutoExec
Download-Link : DH271F for Hen C AutoExec.zip
if freeze use it to replace the wallpaper file
Download-Link : wallpaper_remover.zip
Font Hack by Skylark, FreePlay
Download-Link : RegHacks.zip
Homebrew enabler by Dark_AleX
Download-Link : Homebrew enabler for 2.71 (Revision C)
Download-Link : Homebrew enabler for 2.71 (Revision B2)
This program just for FW2.71 with "Homebrew enabler for 2.71 (Revision C)" Installed
Don't use on other ver !!!
CAUTION : This Program MAY BRICK your PSP !!!
Use it at your own Risk !!!
if you want to use other Wallpaper,
you can replace ms0:/psp/photo/aehenci/bin/wallp0okm.bmp before install
or change it after "Hen C" was run
you can add line
to ms0:\dh\271F\flash0\kd\pspbtcnf.txt
let DevHook 271F support
1. Enable PSP Wallpaper

2. PowerOff PSP
(Hold the "power switch" in the up position for more
than 2 seconds until "power indicator" turns off)
3. PowerOn PSP
4. Run "AutoExec Hen_C Installer",

select install AutoExec

5. PowerOff PSP
(Hold the "power switch" in the up position for more
than 2 seconds until "power indicator" turns off)
6. PowerOn PSP
7. PSP will AutoExec Hen C (screen will "flash red" then "blue")
if you don't like "flash red" you can patch it :)
1. disable PSP Wallpaper

2. PowerOff PSP
(Hold the "power switch" in the up position for more
than 2 seconds until "power indicator" turns off)
3. PowerOn PSP
4. Run "AutoExec Hen_C Installer",

select uninstall AutoExec

5. PowerOff PSP
File List
Before Install Hen_C
┃ ┗HENC/
┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┗rand.jpg
After Install Hen_C
┃ ┗HENC/
┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┗rand.jpg
┣odd.BIN <- can Delete
┣Prim.BIN <- can Delete
┣pspbtknf.txt <- can Delete
┣pspbtknf_game.txt <- can Delete
┣pspbtknf_updater.txt <- can Delete
┗systemctrl.prx <- can Delete
Before Install Hen_C no "flash red" Patch
┃ ┣HENC/
┃ ┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┃ ┗rand.jpg
┃ ┗hencnfrp/
┃ ┣Hen_C no flash red Patch.PNG
┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┗main.bin
After Install Hen_C no "flash red" Patch
┃ ┣HENC/
┃ ┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┃ ┗rand.jpg
┃ ┗hencnfrp/
┃ ┣Hen_C no flash red Patch.PNG
┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┗main.bin
┣h.bin.bak <- BackUp of h.bin
Before Install Hen C AutoExec mod
┃ ┣aehenci/
┃ ┃ ┣bin/
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣pspbt0nf.txt
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣wallp0okm.bmp
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗wallp0okm.prx
┃ ┃ ┣AutoExec Hen_C Installer.PNG
┃ ┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┃ ┗main.bin
┃ ┣HENC/
┃ ┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┃ ┗rand.jpg
┃ ┗hencnfrp/
┃ ┣Hen_C no flash red Patch.PNG
┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┗main.bin
┣h.bin.bak <- BackUp of h.bin
After Install Hen C AutoExec mod
┃ ┣aehenci/
┃ ┃ ┣bin/
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣pspbt0nf.txt
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣pspbtknf.bak <- BackUp of pspbtknf.txt
┃ ┃ ┃ ┣wallp0okm.bmp
┃ ┃ ┃ ┗wallp0okm.prx
┃ ┃ ┣AutoExec Hen_C Installer.PNG
┃ ┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┃ ┗main.bin
┃ ┣HENC/
┃ ┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┃ ┗rand.jpg
┃ ┗hencnfrp/
┃ ┣Hen_C no flash red Patch.PNG
┃ ┣loadbinary.tif
┃ ┗main.bin
┣h.bin.bak <- BackUp of h.bin
BackUP all other File, when you uninstall you need to restore them !!
"AutoExec Hen C" just need this two file in MSD
>> Larceny
what psp ver you use ?
did you modify anything ?
did you follow the instruction step by step ?
if your psp is fw2.71, did it installed the "Homebrew enabler for 2.71 (Revision C)" ?
>> kando
Thanks your support :)
>> Larceny
did your PSP FW2.71 had any Hack ?
did you installed "Hen C" before install "AutoExec" ?
did you change you MemoryStick ?
did "Hen C" file in your MemoryStick ?
what hardware ver of your PSP ?
where " A lot of people are having the same problem" ??
>> daniel
can you give more information ??
what psp ver you use ?
did you modify anything ?
did you follow the instruction step by step ?
if your psp is fw2.71, did it installed the "Homebrew enabler for 2.71 (Revision C)" ?
did your PSP FW2.71 had any Hack ?
did you installed "Hen C" before install "AutoExec" ?
did you change you MemoryStick ?
did "Hen C" file in your MemoryStick ?
what hardware ver of your PSP ?
>> daniel
what mean use gif as wallpaper ?
are you use
psp photo menu > veiw photo
then set it as wallpaper
use other method to make it ?
>> daniel
try to format your MemoryStick on other psp or PC
and just copy the "Homebrew enabler for 2.71 (Revision C)" to your MemoryStick
and put it back to your psp to try again
>> daniel
if psp can't load hen_c's "h.bin & patch.bin" from MS
that may be wallpaper.bmp(loadbinary.tif) file in "flash1:/vsh/theme/" was corrupted
i don't know why it will corrupted
can you remember it corrupted after what you do ?
that can help to find out why wallpaper.bmp will corrupted
>> daniel
i try it to all my psp
change the wallpaper
but it didn't corrupted
and i was make a program
you can copy it to you MS
if it can load then Pass [SQUARE]
it will replace the wallpaper file
>> 0okmfanandta082user
if HENC not work
you need to reinstall HENC first
>> Larceny
you welcome :)
>> daniel
thank you :)
>> 0okmfanandta082user
you need to install a old ver HEN before reinstall HENC
otherwise HENC will not reinstall
>> 0okmfanandta082user
you welcome :)
>> BounG
1. use "disable PSP Wallpaper" to stop "AutoExec Hen C"
2. see "File List"
>> Larceny
1. BackUP all other File, "AutoExec Hen C" just need h.bin & patch.bin in MSD's root
2. after "AutoExec Hen C" was run, you can set Wallpaper by PSP Photo Menu :)
>> Falcon
this is NOT a downgrader !!
>> nknave
Thanks your support :)
i didn't try "Generic downgrader"
and FW2.71 is better than FW2.50 :)
>> nknave
it is possible
but the program not make by me
so i don't know
According to Dark_Alex (about the generic downgrader):
"Ta-082 users can downgrade to 2.70/2.60/2.50. TA-082 users, DO NOT downgrade below 2.50"
According to Dark_Alex (about the 2.71SE Firmware):
"TA-082 users cannot use this because a 1.50 bootstrap is needed to boot the system patched.
At the moment, there is only installer for 1.50, although it could be easily ported to whatever firmware with kernel access such as 2.60 and 2.71, but at the moment i prefer not to doing it to avoid TA-082 using it and bricking their psp's"
Hope that clears up your questions.
I'm sorry that the answer is not what you are hoping for.
hi 0okm,
thank you for your awsome work. but i TA-082 2.71 psp.
i had install your Hen C AutoExec mod v0.32 and when i went to execute it, i then found out my psp is low batt.
it execute halfway thru and my psp turn off due to low batt.
when i charge my psp and turn it on, it freeze my menu. i can load UMD games. but i can't go to my main menu.
please help me.
thank you
by the way, i had read about the wallpaper remover. but i can't get it as my computer is protected against the website. can u upload it into a direct link (not thru uploading engine) in zip file??
thanks alot.
hi 0okm
after using your wallpaper remover , i can't use your autoexec hen_c. help !!
>> Kelvin Love Wendy
run "AutoExec_Hen_C_Installer_v0.32" again
to overwrite the wallpaper
ookm thank you for the ta-082 homebrew help. is there going to be an auto exec for hen d? or an launcher for devhook .50 for 2.71 psp?
my psp is now semi bricked thanks to your insufficient coding. I flashed it, and ateepted to unflash it, and now the fucking thing freezes on boot up. I can only run UMD's , and can't access the xmb. Do you have any idea? maybe there is sothing i can do
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