About HardDown TA-082, TA-086
Remove the MCP from PSP MB
Reball MCP's BGA ball
Read Data from MCP
Analyze the Data
Reprogram MCP with a BGA socket
Resoldering MCP to PSP MB
PSP Hardware Hack Project
Remove the MCP from PSP MB
SIcK your so cool 0okm
>> 0okmisnumber1
what are you talk about ??
what time i offer a harddown ??
do you know
this post just talk about howto "HardDown" !!
New PSP from Factory is FW2.81
and FW2.81 can't run any Homebrew !!!
yeah i would love to know the details of why the tiff exploit doesnt work on that motherboard?
ok well that is a bit off topic, so my friend went and got a psps and i told him to make sure it was a good one but he didnt check and now is the very sad owner of a TA-082 type psp, and i beleive that he said it is firmware 2.60, so is he screwed,, if not then lets get to how this would be done, if it's not possible then im just gonna brick it so we can go get another one. thats really lame if thats the case, but i havent bricked one yet so that would be mildly interesting
cool cool, appreciate it, i'll keep looking, all he really wants is an iso loader, but i want him to have irshell, and xflash, so we'll see
0okm can you help me with auto excuter im sorry if this is not the right topic to post it in but please help me my email is lanhikari79@hotmail.com
I don't see how anyone can just come out of nowhere and naysay someone who works with the PSP community.
0okm is actually working to make things better, so put up or shut up.
Like a previous poster said, I like the idea, and I'd love to try it, but I'm too nervous about this sort of thing, because the PSP is a $230 piece of hardware, and when you're out of a job for the time being, you don't risk your PSP on ventures like this.
First off i would like to apologize for posting on this topic cuz i know it doesnt belong here, its just that alot of ppl have been posting here and besides maybe Ookm will read it...
I had a bad case of an f - up yesturday, got my psp tried to run copy of VCS, but it wouldn't work, had to update to 2.81, that wouldnt work so i downloaded and updated to 3.01, So my question is, How far is 3.01 coming in terms of hacking? and if you dont have a clue (which is fine by me) what will make 3.01 make it easier for hacking
im just pissed that im stuck w/ 3.01, and can Liberty City Stories downgrade a 3.01? thx.
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