
PSP FW 3.10 UpDate Test

have some rumors say
1. All firmwares below 1.52 won't be able to upgrade directly
2. use FW3.10 to upgrade downgraded TA-082 PSPs have bricked

on my test
1. FW3.10 can use on PSP with FW1.50 :P
2. FW3.10 can use on FW3.03 downgraded TA-082 PSP with FW1.50 :P
3. FW3.10 can't run New GTA Exploit :(
4. FW3.10 can't use C+D's 3.03PsarDumper to decrypt :(

and FW3.10 on PSP-1000 (JP ver) have new PlayStationSpot function :)

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PlayStation Portable PSF File Data

Filename : X:\PSP_FW3.10\PARAM.SFO

Start of section labels : 144
Start of section data : 1f0
Unknown header data : 01 01 00 00
Number of Sections : 19

Sect Loff Doff Dsiz Duse Dtyp Unkn Label Value
0 0000 0000 0004 0004 04 0004 BOOTABLE = 1
1 0009 0004 0004 0003 02 0004 CATEGORY = MG
2 0012 0008 0010 000b 02 0004 DISC_ID = MSTKUPDATE
3 001a 0018 0008 0005 02 0004 DISC_VERSION = 1.00
4 0027 0020 0004 0004 04 0004 PARENTAL_LEVEL = 1
5 0036 0024 0004 0004 04 0004 REGION = 32768
6 003d 0028 0080 0017 02 0004 TITLE = PSP™ Update ver 3.10
7 0043 00a8 0080 0023 02 0004 TITLE_0 = PSP™ アップデート ver 3.10
8 004b 0128 0080 0019 02 0004 TITLE_10 = PSP™更新 版本 3.10
9 0054 01a8 0080 0019 02 0004 TITLE_11 = PSP™升级 版本 3.10
10 005d 0228 0080 001e 02 0004 TITLE_2 = Mise à jour PSP™ ver. 3.10
11 0065 02a8 0080 0023 02 0004 TITLE_3 = Actualización de PSP™ ver. 3.10
12 006d 0328 0080 0020 02 0004 TITLE_4 = PSP™-Aktualisierung Ver. 3.10
13 0075 03a8 0080 0025 02 0004 TITLE_5 = Aggiornamento della PSP™ ver. 3.10
14 007d 0428 0080 001a 02 0004 TITLE_6 = PSP™-update versie 3.10
15 0085 04a8 0080 001f 02 0004 TITLE_7 = Actualização PSP™ ver 3.10
16 008d 0528 0080 0029 02 0004 TITLE_8 = Обновление PSP™ вер. 3.10
17 0095 05a8 0080 0020 02 0004 TITLE_9 = PSP™ 업데이트 버전 3.10
18 009d 0628 0008 0005 02 0004 UPDATER_VER = 3.10
Loff = Offset of the Label Field within the Label section.
Doff = Offset of the Data Field within the Data section.
Dsiz = Size of the Data Field within the Data section.
Duse = Amount of the Data Field that currently contains data.
Dtyp = The Data Field type. 0 = Binary (?), 4 = Integer Word, 2 = String.
Unkn = Unknown field usage.


and because Bandwidth Limit Exceeded Taka's Forums was down
http://taka.hostfreeweb.info/forums/index.php will reOpen at 2007-02-01 :P

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move note

THX Taka
i will move to http://taka.hostfreeweb.info/forums/index.php

this blog will close

if want to see my News please goto http://taka.hostfreeweb.info/forums/index.php and register :P

THX all support me people :)

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New DemoGame on PlayStationSpot

タイトル:グンペイ リバース
©BANDAI 2006 ©2006 NBGI

タイトル:視て聴いて脳で感じて クロスワード天国

If anyone live in US/JP and can Download Demo Game from PlayStationSpot
Welcome to join us :)

My eMail is 0okm00@gmail.com :)

About GameShareDumper

About PlayStationSpot

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New Color for PSP-1000 (Total 7 color)

PSP-1000 CG
Release Date 2007-02-22
JPY 20,790- (about USD 180-)

PSP-1000 CA
Release Date 2006-12-21
JPY 29,190- (about USD 245-) # price with METAL GEAR SOLID

PSP-1000 MB
Release Date 2006-12-21
JPY 20,790- (about USD 180-)

PSP-1000 SV
Release Date 2006-12-14
JPY 20,790- (about USD 180-)

PSP-1000 PK
Release Date 2006-11-22
JPY 20,790- (about USD 180-)

PSP-1000 CW
Release Date 2005-09-15
JPY 20,790- (about USD 180-)

Release Date 2004-12-12
JPY 20,790- (about USD 180-)

2006-11-01 New Color for PSP-1000

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FW2.80 DownDate to FW2.71 for TA-079~086 PSP v0.01 By 0okm RELEASED

Thanks to Team C+D, moonlight, hitchhikr, Noobz, PSPDev
    And all support me people :)

 安全出口 → http://www.playstation.jp/psp/

 非常出口 → http://www.playstation.jp/psp/

 To sacrifice yourself. Experimental. Extremely dangerous.
 No warranty. Use on your own risk and responsibility.
 Anything may happen. We recommend you to avoid seeing/downloading/using this.
 Emergency exit -> http://www.playstation.jp/psp/
 * this CAUTION copy from SEC(nem) :p

 If you don't know HowTo use, DON'T use it !!!
 It may brick your psp, Use it at your own Risk !!!
 For more information goto http://0okm.blogspot.com/

 This Program Just For FW2.80 TA-079~086 PSP
 Don't use it on other ver. PSP !!!

1. on FW1.50PSP
 Download PSARDumper PSAR-Dumpa---ASB--.rar

 Download PSP FW2.71 Updates EBOOT.BPB 2_71_US_firmware_update.rar

 Download PBP Unpacker pbp-unpacker-094-setup.exe

 use PBP Unpacker to unpacker FW2.71 EBOOT.BPB
 copy FW2.71 DATA.PSAR to ms0:\
 run PSARDumper on FW1.50PSP
 then "Press circle to dump encrypted without sigcheck and decrypted reboot.bin."
 to Dump "FW2.71 File"

2. on FW2.80PSP
 Extract FW280DownDate2FW271.zip to ms0:\
 check ms0:\F0 have 286 files and total size is 18,598,267 Bytes
 PowerOff PSP to CleanReboot
 Run xLoader on FW2.80PSP
 then Run 2.71DDforTA-079~086FW2.80PSP

someone leaked and more than 200 email req. it


if you know HowTo use and can take the Risk
and Accept NOT share it to other people
you can Download it :P

Download-Link #1: FW280DownDate2FW271.zip
Download-Link #2: FW280DownDate2FW271.zip

THX Cheese, Squirrel, ...

At 1/02/2007 04:28:03 PM, Cheese said...

on the update of the 1st 10 ppl
chs = me

I can confirm its working.
no video though didnt know u send it to just 10 person
thx 0okm

At 1/02/2007 06:43:38 PM, Squirrel said...

Confirmed working on PSP-1004 TA-081 !!! (I'm one of the first testers, "Alfred" in the list).

What steps did I take?
1. Take my 3.02OE-B psp and sacrifice it :o
2. Use the recovery flasher and the official 2.71 EBOOT to get back to standard Sony 2.71 and check system settings to confirm it worked.
3. Use the official Sony updater to updat to 2.80 and check system settings to confirm it's now really 2.80
4. Format the memorystick on the 2.80 firmware psp.
5. Move the 2.71 extracted DATA.PSAR and Psardumper to the memorystick.
6. Use my other 3.02OE-B psp :) to extract the DATA.PSAR to F0
7. Add 0okm's files to the memorystick
8. Install eLoader 0.995
9. Start xLoader (NOT eLoader!) after a few tries and a custom background.
10. Start 0okm's downdater straight from the XMB, thanks to xLoader.
11. Cross fingers and wait... It didn't take long at all, maybe 30 secs or so.
12. Confirm the almost obligatory BSOD with 'O' and restart.
13. Check system settings, firmware is now 2.71 again.
14. Use HEN-D and the generic downgrader to downgrade to 1.50 so I can install 3.02OE-B again :D

I had a UP ready to install in case I'd brick my psp but I didn't need it :p

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FW2.80 DownDate to FW2.71 for TA-079~086 PSP v0.01 By 0okm

Thanks to Team C+D, moonlight, hitchhikr, Noobz, PSPDev
    And all support me people :)

 安全出口 → http://www.playstation.jp/psp/

 非常出口 → http://www.playstation.jp/psp/

 To sacrifice yourself. Experimental. Extremely dangerous.
 No warranty. Use on your own risk and responsibility.
 Anything may happen. We recommend you to avoid seeing/downloading/using this.
 Emergency exit -> http://www.playstation.jp/psp/
 * this CAUTION copy from SEC(nem) :p

 If you don't know HowTo use, DON'T use it !!!
 It may brick your psp, Use it at your own Risk !!!
 For more information goto http://0okm.blogspot.com/

 This Program Just For FW2.80 TA-079~086 PSP
 Don't use it on other ver. PSP !!!

1. on FW1.50PSP
 Download PSARDumper PSAR-Dumpa---ASB--.rar

 Download PSP FW2.71 Updates EBOOT.BPB 2_71_US_firmware_update.rar

 Download PBP Unpacker pbp-unpacker-094-setup.exe

 use PBP Unpacker to unpacker FW2.71 EBOOT.BPB
 copy FW2.71 DATA.PSAR to ms0:\
 run PSARDumper on FW1.50PSP
 then "Press circle to dump encrypted without sigcheck and decrypted reboot.bin."
 to Dump "FW2.71 File"

2. on FW2.80PSP
 Extract FW280DownDate2FW271.zip to ms0:\
 check ms0:\F0 have 286 files and total size is 18,598,267 Bytes
 PowerOff PSP to CleanReboot
 Run xLoader on FW2.80PSP
 then Run 2.71DDforTA-079~086FW2.80PSP

if you know HowTo use and can take the Risk
and Accept NOT share it to other people
you can send a eMail to me :) 0okm00@gmail.com


sended the DownLoadLink to 1st-10th people
wait their FeedBack :P

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How many FW2.80 PSP want DownDate to FW2.71 ?

someone call me to make a "FW2.80 DownDate to FW2.71"
How many FW2.80 PSP want DownDate to FW2.71 ?

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